Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stay away from imageshack.us

How many do you use imageshack.us for image storage and sharing? I'd started using it lately and thought it was a good one. It turns out that it is disappointing. It forces unregistered viewers to register with them before they can view the images.

For unknown reason, I have no problem to view the page in the US and I am not required to log in before I view the images either. For some people, especially the ones who are living out of the states, most likely what they see in the page is a frozen frog saying Domain Unregistered. To view, register at bit.ly/imageshack-domain. It looks to me that imageshack.us forces unregistered users to register with them before they display the images.

I don't see the frog so I won't know if my friends didn't tell me. From their PDF files, every image in my page becomes a frozen frog! Therefore, I have to upload the same set of images to photobucket.com and then updated all image links on the pages. It took me a few hours to fix this problem.

If you are using imageshack.us for image storage and sharing, you would better move your photos to some place else unless you can ensure all your audiences can see your pictures. Otherwise, all your images may become frozen frogs that confuses your users.

Updated on Aug 23, 2011
I am currently travelling in Hong Kong. The above finding is 100% confirmed. All pictures stored in imageshack.us will turn to be frogs when the page is accessed outside the USA. All images are viewable only when the viewer has an account with imageshack and the viewer must log onto the account.