See The LoadDataRow and Delete Methods of DataTable for intention.
- Introduction
- Set up a DataTable with 2 rows
- Test: No primary key applied
- Test: Primary key applied, no AcceptChanges before or after LoadDataRow
- Test: No primary key, AcceptChanges before LoadDataRow
- Test: Primary key applied, AcceptChanges before LoadDataRow
- Test: No primary key, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData
- Test: Primary key applied, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData
- Test: Primary key applied, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData, ApplyChanges before BeginLoadData
In this test, I will use LoadDataRow to perform content update on a DataTable with or without primary key constraint. bool AcceptChanges will be passed as a parameter in LoadDataRow(object[], bool). For result using LoadDataRow(object[], LoadOption), please see this.When the LoadDataRow method is call, the following statement is used:
employee.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "B223456789", "Denise", "Miller", 13.00 }, false); // don't AcceptChangesWhen primary key is applied, the following statement is used and it will be executed before the LoadDataRow method:
employee.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {eid}; // eid is the EmpId column
The DataTable used for the test has the five (5) columns and initially is populated with 2 sample data rows.
ColumnName | EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName ** |
DataType | string | string | string | decimal | string |
MaxLength | 10 | 35 | -1 | -1 | 70 |
Unique | true | false | false | false | false |
AllowDBNull | false | false | false | true | true |
** The column of LastName and FirstName is defined as an expression column containing the values from the column of LastName and the column of FirstName.
Every test is based on this table with the initial sample data. The 2nd row is the target to update by using the LoadDataRow method. A grid shown in each test is represented the final result of the DataTable even though the update performed by the LoadDataRow method may fail. Execution messages about the RowState of the 2nd row and its versions are shown afterwards. For clarity, the initial state of the 2nd row is also attached to each test for reference.
The rest of the page is generated by the application developed in C# under Visual 2008 Profession SP + .NET 3.5 SP1 on Windows XP Professional SP3.
Set up a DataTable with 2 rows
- EmpId is the unique key (eid.Unique = true).
- Primary key is not set up initially.
- Initial Table:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
No primary key applied
Expect errors [System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint]!
The last row remains unchanged.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Executing LoadDataRow(...)
Column 'EmpId' is constrained to be unique. Value 'B223456789' is already present.
at System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint(DataRow row, DataRowAction action) at System.Data.DataTable.RaiseRowChanging(DataRowChangeEventArgs args, DataRow eRow, DataRowAction eAction, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataTable.SetNewRecordWorker(DataRow row, Int32 proposedRecord, DataRowAction action, Boolean isInMerge, Int32 position, Boolean fireEvent, Exception& deferredException) at System.Data.DataTable.InsertRow(DataRow row, Int32 proposedID, Int32 pos, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(Object[] values) at System.Data.DataTable.UpdatingAdd(Object[] values) at System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(Object[] values, Boolean fAcceptChanges) ...
After error: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Primary key applied, no AcceptChanges before or after LoadDataRow
Expect errors [System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint]!
The last row remains unchanged.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Executing LoadDataRow(...)
Column 'EmpId' is constrained to be unique. Value 'B223456789' is already present.
at System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint(DataRow row, DataRowAction action) at System.Data.DataTable.RaiseRowChanging(DataRowChangeEventArgs args, DataRow eRow, DataRowAction eAction, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataTable.SetNewRecordWorker(DataRow row, Int32 proposedRecord, DataRowAction action, Boolean isInMerge, Int32 position, Boolean fireEvent, Exception& deferredException) at System.Data.DataTable.InsertRow(DataRow row, Int32 proposedID, Int32 pos, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataTable.UpdatingAdd(Object[] values) at System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(Object[] values, Boolean fAcceptChanges) ...
After error: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
No primary key, AcceptChanges before LoadDataRow
Expect errors [System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint]!
The last row remains unchanged.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Apply AcceptChanges(): [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Unchanged
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Executing LoadDataRow(...)
Column 'EmpId' is constrained to be unique. Value 'B223456789' is already present.
at System.Data.UniqueConstraint.CheckConstraint(DataRow row, DataRowAction action) at System.Data.DataTable.RaiseRowChanging(DataRowChangeEventArgs args, DataRow eRow, DataRowAction eAction, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataTable.SetNewRecordWorker(DataRow row, Int32 proposedRecord, DataRowAction action, Boolean isInMerge, Int32 position, Boolean fireEvent, Exception& deferredException) at System.Data.DataTable.InsertRow(DataRow row, Int32 proposedID, Int32 pos, Boolean fireEvent) at System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(Object[] values) at System.Data.DataTable.UpdatingAdd(Object[] values) at System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(Object[] values, Boolean fAcceptChanges) ...
After error: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Unchanged
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Primary key applied, AcceptChanges before LoadDataRow
No error! The last row is updated.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Denise | Miller | 13.00 | Miller, Denise |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Apply AcceptChanges(): [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Unchanged
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Executing LoadDataRow(...)
After LoadDataRow: [B223456789, Denise] RowState: Modified
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Denise
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Denise
No primary key, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData
Expect errors [System.Data.DataTable.EnableConstraints()]!
Duplicate rows are found.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
B223456789 | Denise | Miller | 13.00 | Miller, Denise |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
BeginLoadData(): turn off notification/constraints/indexing.
Executing LoadDataRow(...)After LoadDataRow: [B223456789, Denise] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Denise
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Denise
EndLoadData(): turn on validation, constraints, etc.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
at System.Data.DataTable.EnableConstraints() at System.Data.DataTable.set_EnforceConstraints(Boolean value) at System.Data.DataTable.EndLoadData() ...
After error: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Primary key applied, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData
Expect errors [System.Data.DataTable.EnableConstraints()]!
Duplicate rows are found.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Rex | Bloomer | 12.00 | Bloomer, Rex |
B223456789 | Denise | Miller | 13.00 | Miller, Denise |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
BeginLoadData(): turn off notification/constraints/indexing.
Executing LoadDataRow(...)After LoadDataRow: [B223456789, Denise] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Denise
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Denise
EndLoadData(): turn on validation, constraints, etc.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
at System.Data.DataTable.EnableConstraints() at System.Data.DataTable.set_EnforceConstraints(Boolean value) at System.Data.DataTable.EndLoadData() ...
After error: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Primary key applied, LoadDataRow in conjunction with Begin/EndLoadData, ApplyChanges before BeginLoadData
No error! The last row is updated.
- Resulted DataTable:
- Status duing execution: Initial state: [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Added
EmpId | FirstName | LastName | Salary | LastName and FirstName |
A123456789 | Bettye | Williams | 11.00 | Williams, Bettye |
B223456789 | Denise | Miller | 13.00 | Miller, Denise |
Version: Original doesn't not exist.
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
Apply AcceptChanges(): [B223456789, Rex] RowState: Unchanged
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Rex
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Rex
BeginLoadData(): turn off notification/constraints/indexing.
Executing LoadDataRow(...)After LoadDataRow: [B223456789, Denise] RowState: Modified
Version: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Denise
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Denise
EndLoadData(): turn on validation, constraints, etc.
[B223456789, Denise] RowState: ModifiedVersion: Original Value: Rex
Version: Current Value: Denise
Version: Proposed doesn't not exist.
Version: Default Value: Denise
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